Roleplaying in Cedar Creek – Code of Conduct


Roleplayers have a general sense of conduct that is either written or simply understood. Below are some guidelines that will help you interact with the other players:

  1. Show the same level of respect towards other players that you expect from them. You do not have to agree with one another, but treating everyone with the same level of maturity and consideration is expected, regardless of how corrupt or deranged your character is supposed to be.
  2. Limit your out-of-character behavior while in the public areas of the community. When a player exits the welcome center, they are expected to be in-character, unless they are wearing their out-of-character tag. Open out-of-character chat in public areas reduces the immersion level for other players and is frowned upon, even if you are wearing an OOC tag. Allow the players in the roleplay scene to have the local channel and use your private messaging system, or take your conversation to the group chat box.
  3. Respect the rules of roleplay. No Meta-Gaming or Power-Gaming; respect the post order in multiplayer scenes.
  4. Remain true to the realism of the town. Cedar Creek is an urban, present-day town without any supernatural beings or powers. This means having an avatar that is acceptable per the community covenant, not flying, using telepathy, etc. NOTE: Managers do fly from time to time while executing some of their duties and responsibilities. However, they try not to ruin the immersion of a roleplay scene, and if they end up in your scene, they may not have realized it. Send them a polite IM and they should be able to make an exception for the remainder of your scene.
  5. Players are allowed to use alternate characters (Alts), however, we ask that you only portray one character per avatar. If your character dies, it is acceptable to rename your avatar, change up your look slightly, and start over.
  6. Cedar Creek is a roleplay community that permits child avatars. Linden Labs has strict guidelines on the type of actions that those avatars can participate in. Adhere to those guidelines and read over our Covenant as to the additional regulations we have in place.

Roleplay Styles
Roleplay Terminology
Getting Started in Cedar Creek
Getting Further Involved
When Problems Arise